セミナー開催のお知らせ:第2回 AI&知財カンファレンス(5月9日)



第2回 AI&知財カンファレンス
2nd Annual Conference on AI and IP

2024年5月9日 (木) 2:30 p.m. 開場
May 9, 2024, 2:30 p.m. Doors Open
東京国際フォーラム G407号室
Tokyo International Forum,
Room G407
Registration Fee
Free (space is limited)
The networking reception during the event includes drinks at no charge. There is an optional social gathering that includes dinner for 4,000 JPY. (advance registration required)





Elevate your understanding of AI’s role in modern business at this comprehensive one-day conference. The topics covered will include practical examples of using AI for IP management and innovation, real-world stories from startups and established enterprises about the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, and nuanced landscape of AI policy and regulation with focus on pragmatic considerations crucial for corporate decision-making. This is a unique event that brings together a mix of perspectives from startups to enterprise to legal, from AI builders to AI users all with the aim of foster networking opportunities and broadening horizons. Join us as we navigate the complex yet promising realm of AI-augmented IP management.

2:30 – 3:00 p.m. 受付&ネットワーキング
3:00 – 3:15 p.m. キーノートスピーチ

長澤 健一

Kenichi Nagasawa
Immediate Past President, LES Japan
Past President, JIPA

1981年にキヤノン株式会社に入社して以来、一貫して知財畑を歩み、40年超の知財経験を持つ。Canon Europe Ltd.およびCanon U.S.A, Inc.で知財責任者を務めた後、2010年に知的財産法務本部長に就任。2012年に取締役、2016年に常務執行役員、2021年に専務執行役員、2022年1月からは経済安全保障統括室の室長も兼務し、2023年3月末に専務執行役員・知的財産法務本部長を退任、同年4月よりキヤノン株式会社の顧問。産業構造審議会 知的財産分科会の委員など、省庁に設置された審議会・研究会の委員を長年に亘って務め、現在、日本知的財産協会(JIPA) 副会長、日本ライセンス協会(LES) 前会長(Immediate Past President)、日本経済団体連合 知的財産委員会企画部会長など、知財関連団体の要職や、大阪工業大学、金沢工業大学で客員教授も務める。

Advisor, Canon Inc., Vice Chair Person, JIPA, Immediate Past President LES Japan, Member of Intellectual Property Committee, Keidanren Member of Economic Security Expert Meeting, Cabinet Office, Member of Intellectual Property Subcommittee, METI Guest Professor Osaka Institute of Technology, Guest Professor Kanazawa Institute of Technology, External Hearing Member, JPAA, Councilor, JAPIO.

3:15 – 4:00 p.m. 

Akira Shibata
Weights & Biases 日韓カントリーマネージャー

人工知能を使ったデータ・AI活用によるビジネス価値の創出を専門分野とし、オンラインサービス、既存産業各領域、クリエイティブ領域など幅広い分野にて、これまで数百社に及ぶ国内外企業のデータ・AIの利活用を実現してきた。 機械学習自動化プラットフォームのDataRobot日本CEO、AIによる創造性の拡張をミッションとするQosmo, Inc.のCOOなどを歴任し、現在はサンフランシスコを拠点とし、AIエンジニアのための開発・運用プラットフォームを提供するWeights & Biasesの日韓カントリーマネージャー。その他数社の社外取締役・顧問などを務める。

4:00 – 4:30 p.m. パネルディスカッション
「AI規制の現状 -実践的な視点から-」

– 羽深 宏樹
スマートガバナンス 代表取締役CEO、京都大学特任教授、弁護士、AIガバナンス協会理事

Hiroki Habuka
CEO, Smart Governance; Specially Appointed Professor, Kyoto University; Attorney at Law; Director, AI Governance Association

京都大学大学院法学研究科特任教授、東京大学大学院法学政治学研究科客員准教授、スマートガバナンス株式会社代表取締役CEO、弁護士(日本・ニューヨーク州)。デジタル時代における法規制、企業ガバナンス、市場メカニズム、民主主義システム等を統合したガバナンスのデザインを研究・アドバイスしている。2020年、世界経済フォーラム及びApoliticalによって、「公共部門を変革する世界で最も影響力のある50人」に選出。東京大学法学部卒(BA)、東京大学法科大学院修了(JD)、スタンフォード大学ロースクール修了(LLM, フルブライト奨学生)。主著に、『AIガバナンス入門:リスクマネジメントから社会設計まで』(2023年12月、ハヤカワ新書)

Hiroki Habuka is a research professor at Kyoto University, Graduate School of Law, and the CEO of Smart Governance Inc. Hiroki led several projects on digital governance when he worked for METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), which covered AI safety, privacy protection, data security, and digital platform regulations. He served as a lead author of white papers on agile governance issued by METI, “GOVERNANCE INNOVATION” and “Agile Governance Update”. In 2020, he was selected by the World Economic Forum Global Future Councils on Agile Governance and Apolitical as one of the World’s 50 Most Influential People Revolutionising Government (Agile 50). Hiroki received a master’s degree from Stanford Law School (LL.M., Fulbright Fellow), and a Juris Doctor’s degree from University of Tokyo Law School, and is qualified to practice law in Japan and New York State. He is the author of the book “Introduction to AI Governance: From risk management to social design.”

– 古川 直裕
株式会社ABEJA 弁護士、AI法研究会代表、GPAI専門家委員

Naohiro Furukawa
Attorney at Law, Representative of AI Law Study Group, GPAI Expert Committee Member,
ABEJA Corporation

弁護士、株式会社ABEJA。東京大学法学部、東京大学法科大学院を卒業後、弁護士事務所所属の弁護士を経て、インハウス弁護士に転身。その後、約3年間にわたり弁護士業務と並行してAI研究・開発に従事。2020年2月から現職。AIに関する法務および倫理を主に取り扱い、AI倫理コンサルティングの提供を行っている。AI法研究会設立者、代表。Global Partnership on AI専門家委員。日本ディープラーニング協会人材育成委員会G委員。AI事業者ガイドラインWG委員。主な著書に、『ディープラーニングG検定〈ジェネラリスト〉法律・倫理テキスト』(編著、技術評論社、2023年)、『Q&A AIの法務と倫理』(編著、中央経済社、2021年)、『サイバーセキュリティ法務』(共編著、商事法務、2021年)、など。

After graduating from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law and the University of Tokyo Law School, he worked as an attorney at a law firm before becoming an in-house attorney. He has been engaged in AI research and development in parallel with his legal practice for about three years, and has been in his current position since February 2020. He mainly deals with legal and ethical issues related to AI and provides AI ethics consulting services. The founder and representative of AI and Law Society. The expert of Global Partnership. A member of the committee of G certification by Japan Deep Learning Association. A member of the working group for “AI Guidelines for Business” in Japanese government. His publications include “Deep Learning G Certification [Generalist] Legal and Ethics Textbook” (editor and co-author, Gijutsu Hyoronsha, 2023), “Q&A Legal affairs and Ethics of AI” (editor and co-author, Chuokeizai-sha, 2021), “Legal Practice on Cyber Security” (editor and co-editor, Shoji Homu, 2021), and others.

泉 卓也
弁理士/国際事業第一部長 杉村萬国特許法律事務所

Takuya Izumi
Patent Attorney
Director of Global Operations Department, Sugimura & Partners


Mr. Izumi is a patent attorney and the Director of the Global Operations Department at Sugimura & Partners. He brings his extensive experience as a director, administrative judge, and examiner at the Japan Patent Office (JPO) to his patent practice. Prior to joining SUGIMURA, he had worked for the JPO, where he served as a director for Visual System, Audio Systems, and Medical Imaging, as a patent judge at Amusement Machinery and Materials Analysis, and as a patent examiner at Business Machinery and Medical Imaging. On top of the experience at the JPO, he was the first IP attaché to the US West Coast under the title of Senior Director, NEDO Silicon Valley Office. He has successfully completed an AI governance project and drafted AI Governance Guidelines in his role as Director for Information Policy Making at the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry. He was also engaged in the WTO/TRIPS, WTO/TBT and FTA/EPA IP Chapter including Trans-Pacific Partnership.

4:30 – 5:00 p.m. ライトニングトーク

– 中島 明紀
VoicePing株式会社 CEO、創業者

Akinori Nakajima
CEO & Founder, Voice-Ping

理系大学院卒業後に起業後、WEB会議ベンダーに入社。その後、フリーランスとして配信システム・VRシステム等多数の新規事業にコミット後、2019年にVoicePing株式会社 設立。グローバルビジネスのコミュニケーションを最適化するために音声翻訳プラットフォームを提供。趣味は研究開発・OSS活動・言語学習(中国語・韓国語学習中)。
– 福田 明広
Akihiro Fukuda
エルピクセル株式会社 取締役COO

大阪大学大学院 医学系研究科保健学専攻 修士課程修了。診療放射線技師。キヤノン株式会社に入社し、光学・機械学習をベースにした画像処理の要素技術研究に従事。2017年11月にエルピクセルにエンジニアとして入社し、主にEIRL Colon Polypを開発。その後、プロダクトマネージャーとして胸部領域の製品(EIRL Chest Screening / EIRL Chest CT)を企画し製品化。2022年にプロダクト本部のゼネラルマネージャーに就任し、全製品の開発と中長期の製品戦略の立案をリード。2023年に取締役COOに就任。

5:00 – 5:15 p.m. ネットワーキング
5:15 – 5:45 p.m. How AI Removes Barriers to Strategic IP Management

– サム・デイビス

Sam Davis
CEO & Co-Founder, Amplified


Sam co-founded Amplified in 2017 to transform working with patent information through artificial intelligence. Prior to Amplified, Sam developed expertise in patent search and analytics at Landon IP and CPA Global. He has also been deeply involved as an advisor and investor in AI since 2015 with a focus on deep learning, document automation, and natural language understanding. Sam is passionate about using technology to augment human intelligence and a regular speaker on machine learning and the future of IP work.

– アーロン・モリン
Aaron Mollin
CEO IPDefine

アーロン・モリンは日本に15年以上住んでいる英語・日本語バイリンガルの弁護士(ニューヨーク州)です。主に知的財産、M&A及び紛争解決の案件に携わっていました。弁護士の経験以外、人材紹介やコンサルティングから持続可能な高級ファッション ブランドの設立まで様々な経験を持っております。2022年にCLOとしてIPDefineに入社し、2023年からCEOとして勤めています。

Aaron is an English/Japanese bilingual lawyer (licensed in New York) who has lived in Japan for over 15 years. His legal experience covers both in-house and private practice, where he was engaged in IP, M&A, and disputes matters. His non-legal expertise ranges from talent acquisition and HR consulting, to business development, to founding a sustainable luxury fashion brand. As CEO, Aaron leads IPDefine’s business development and strategy efforts, including strategic partner initiatives and management.

5:45 – 6:15 p.m. トレジャーハンティング「AIを活用した価値ある特許の発掘とライセンス取得方法」


Eric D. Kirsch
Partner, Rimon Foreign Law Office


Eric D. Kirsch graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and attended Law School at the University of Pittsburgh, where he became Notes and Comments Editor of the Law Review.
Following graduation, Mr. Kirsch became an Assistant District Attorney for the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, where he tried serious felony cases as a member of the Habitual Offender Unit.
Mr. Kirsch became a partner at Cooper & Dunham, where he participated in patent infringement trials, argued Markman Hearings, Motions in limine, Summary Judgement Hearings and argued at the Federal Circuit.
In 2010, Mr. Kirsch joined Nikon Corporation in Tokyo as Chief Intellectual Property Counsel, where he led many patent litigation defense and assertion defense teams, drafted a number of complex licenses, and gave Nikon advice concerning U.S. IP matters.
In 2023, Mr. Kirsch joined Rimon as a partner, where he gives advice, opinions and litigates intellectual property disputes.

6:15 – 19:00 p.m. パネルディスカッション

– 田中 伸生
横河電機 知的財産・デザインセンター センター長

Tanaka Nobuo
Head of Intellectual Property & Design Center, Yokogawa Electric

電機メーカー2社にて、ポートフォリオ管理、ライセンス、訴訟から戦略的知財活用施策等、知財業務全般を担当したのち、2019年に横河電機に入社。同年より、知的財産部・部長としてYOKOGAWAグループ知財業務全般のマネジメントに従事。知財機能を戦略機能として再定義し、社内規程の改訂、組織改革の設計と実行、戦略施策の導入など、変革を主導。2023年には経済産業省・特許庁から横河電機初となる知財功労賞の受賞に貢献。2023年からセンター長。デザインと知財を組み合わせることで新たな価値の提供を行うことに挑戦中。弁理士、米国 Patent Agent(合格)、IAM Strategy 300(2017-2021, 2023)。

Mr. Tanaka joined Yokogawa Electric in 2019, after working for two other electronics companies where he engaged in various type of IP work, such as patent portfolio management, licensing, litigation, and strategic IP utilization initiatives. As the general manager of IP department, Mr. Tanaka manages and is responsible for all IP matters of YOKOGAWA Group, leading transformation of the IP function including redefining the IP function as a strategic function, revising the internal IP code, designing the IP organization, and introducing strategic initiatives. Mr. Tanaka contributed to the first Intellectual Property Achievement Award of Yokogawa Electric received from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry / Japan Patent Office in 2023. Mr. Tanaka assumed his current position in 2023, where he is trying to provide new value by combining the design function and the IP function. He is a Japanese patent attorney, passed US patent bar, and was selected as a member of the IAM Strategy 300 (2017-2021, 2023).
– 広居 伸正
株式会社Mujin グローバル法務顧問

Nobu Hiroi
General Counsel, Mujin, Inc.


– 上野 英和

Kamino Hidekazu

電機メーカおよびゲームメーカにて特許の権利化および係争を担当。 2018年8月、メルカリに入社、知財全般を担当。
Hidekazu Kamino is a Japanese Patent Attorney and Head of IP at Mercari, inc. He is responsible for various IP related issues including establishing IP strategy, patent disputes, open source compliance and anti-counterfeit program. Before joining Mercari, he has experience working in a Japanese electronics company and a video game company.
– 松田 拡敏
株式会社カネカ 知的財産部 企画管理グループ

Hirotoshi Matsuda
KANEKA Corporation, Planning & Administration Group Intellectual Property Department
1st grade Certified Specialist of Intellectual Property Management (Patent, Brand)

龍華 明裕
RYUKA国際特許事務所 所長

Akihiro Ryuka
CEO, RYUKA & Partners
US Patent Attorney (California), Japan Patent Attorney

7:00 – 7:45 p.m. Beer, Wine & Networking
8:00 – 9:30 p.m. Dinner (registration required 4,000 JPY)

二次会 (要事前登録、4,000円)