RYUKA offers translation services of the highest quality at reasonable cost. We have developed custom software and a rigorous, five-stage translation process. Two translators, one Japanese patent attorney, and two software analysis cycles are involved in every translation.
Five-Stage Translation
Stage 1: Translation of Application
Our in-house translator translates the application into Japanese.
Stage 2: RTC Software Checks Consistencies of the Translation
Once an English word A is translated into B in Japanese, A must always be translated into B throughout the application. This is not an easy task as there are numerous words appear in a patent application. A proprietary software application, RYUKA Trans-Checker™ (“RTC”), checks the consistencies of all words in the translation.
Stage 3: RPA Software Checks Japanese Application
A second proprietary software application, RYUKA Patent Assistant (“RPA”), checks Japanese language patent applications for over 120 types of errors commonly found in patent applications, such as lack of antecedent basis. Then the translator makes a report of proposed revisions.
Stage 4: Review of Initial Translation
A second translator reviews the application and adds the marks “@” for any possible modifications.
Stage 5: Review of Patent Attorney
Finally, a patent attorney checks the marks “@” and updates the report for the client’s approval, which is reflected in the translation. For all translated cases, we provide the translation reports to our clients.