Toshi Negi


Patent Attorney (Japan)
Certified to practice IP litigation in Japan

Practice Areas

Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Software/ Mechanics, Optics
Dr. Negi specializes in quantum physics and electronics.


Ph.D. in Elementary Particle Physics, Graduate School of High Energy Accelerator Science, Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai), 2009
Master of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2006
Bachelor of Science, Tokyo University of Science, 2004

Research Content
(1) In the last year of his undergraduate course, he belonged to a course for nuclear physics theory, where he studied the basic contents of quantum field theory, which is a theory describing the creation, annihilation, and interactions of elementary particles in many-body systems.
(2) In his master course, he read text books and research papers on quantum field theory, candidate theories beyond the Standard Model of elementary particles, and supersymmetric gauge theories, etc. He wrote a review paper on N=2 supersymmetric QCD (quantum chromodynamics) as his master thesis. During this period, he also worked as a part-time experimental assistant in the Physics Unit of the School of General Education at Kitasato University.
(3) During his doctoral course, he conducted research on superstring theory, which is known as a candidate for quantum gravity theory. In particular, he studied the vertex operator of the type IIB matrix model (IKKT matrix model), which is known as a formulation of the type IIB superstring theory, incorporating non-perturbative effects. The vertex operators correspond to the field representations in the matrix model of elementary particles that appear in the low-energy effective theory of superstring theory. At that time, a method was known as a prior study for obtaining the vertex operators from the supersymmetric Wilson loop by expanding it by acting generators of supersymmetric transformations. Together with his collaborator, he confirmed that the same vertex operators as in the prior study could be rederived by computing the multipoint function of the fields, which are contained in the vertex operators appearing in the closed and open strings of superstring theory, on the disk world sheet and by performing the operator product expansion: (Y.Kitazawa and T.Negi, "Vertex operators of Type IIB matrix model via calculation of disk amplitudes," Nucl.Phys.B 817 (2009) 76-116). He also conducted a presentation at the meeting of the Phisical Society of Japan and the workshop at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), etc.
(4) After receiving the Ph.D. degree from the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai), he worked as a cooperative research fellow at the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), where he continued his research on supersymmetric gauge theory and superstring theory until the end of his term.


Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA)